California School Dashboard
The California School Dashboard and the Local Control Funding Formula State Priorities Snapshot
California School Dashboard
California has a new accountability system reported through the California School Dashboard (referred to as the "Dashboard" from this point forward). This new accountability system reports on multiple measures. The Dashboard replaces the former Academic Performance Index (API), which was based on testing results only, and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). This Parent Web page provides an overview of: (1) the accountability system, (2) the state priorities used to measure school performance, and (3) information on how to read the Dashboard reports.
California School Dashboard
California has a new accountability system reported through the California School Dashboard (referred to as the "Dashboard" from this point forward). This new accountability system reports on multiple measures. The Dashboard replaces the former Academic Performance Index (API), which was based on testing results only, and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). This Parent Web page provides an overview of: (1) the accountability system, (2) the state priorities used to measure school performance, and (3) information on how to read the Dashboard reports.