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Citizens' Oversight Committee

The Buena Park School District proudly serves the communities of Buena Park, La Palma, Fullerton, Anaheim and unincorporated areas of North Orange County to provide educational programs to over 4,500 kindergarten through eighth grade students at our seven schools. On June 3, 2014, our community supported Measure “B” and the issuance of $71 million in general obligation bonds to repair and upgrade our classrooms and schools.
Measure “B” will enhance student safety; repair our schools; upgrade classrooms, libraries, and science and computer labs to keep pace with technology; meet modern learning standards for today’s college and careers; and support programs that give our students a solid background in math, science, literacy, and language skills. The Governing Board of the Buena Park School District has appointed an independent citizens’ oversight committee to oversee bond proceeds & expenditures, review audit reports, and ensure that spending is consistent with Measure “B” guidelines.

For additional details on this committee, please select from the various sub-menu options.

Thank you for your interest and support of the Buena Park School District!

Citizens' Oversight Committee Documents

Citizens' Oversight Committee Members

MEMBERMonson, Daniel
Sandler, Evan
Scott, Brianne




April 2021-2023
April 2021-2023
February 2020-2022