Dental Plans
Amanda Smith
Employee Benefits Technician
Regular visits to your dentists can protect more than your smile; they can help protect your health. Recent studies have linked gum disease to damage elsewhere in the body and dentists are able to screen for oral symptoms of many other diseases including cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
Dental Plan Offerings:
Delta Care PMI (HMO):
The DeltaCare PMI dental plan has one of the largest prepaid dental networks in California. This plan offers the
convenience of scheduled copays for specific procedures and eliminates deductibles or annual maximums.
As a DeltaCare PMI member, you are required to select a general dentist to provide your dental care. You will contact your general dentist for all of your dental needs, such as routine check‐ups and emergency situations. If specialty care is needed, your general dentist will provide the necessary referral.
PMI Plan Highlights:
- Teeth cleanings are covered once per 6 month period.
- No co-payments are required for most services, although there are some procedures and optional services that may include additional charge
DeltaCare PMI (HMO)
Group # 71691
Division# 00321
Member Services (800) 422-4234
Delta Dental PPO Plan:
The Delta Dental PPO plan is a preferred provider dental plan. The benefits cover a wide range of dental services. You may visit a PPO dentist and benefit from the negotiated rate or visit a non‐network dentist. When you utilize a PPO dentist, your out-of-pocket expenses will be less. You may also obtain services using a non-network dentist; however, you will be responsible for the difference between the covered amount and the actual charges and you may be responsible for filing claims.
PPO Plan Highlights:
PPO Plan Highlights:
- Teeth cleanings are covered twice per year.
- As a PPO member, you may use a PPO dentist outside of the PPO plan network, but you will pay more out-of-pocket and may be responsible for filing claims. Reimbursement for the PPO plan is based on Delta Dental’s schedule of maximum allowable charges. Non-contracted dentists may bill the member for any amount above Delta Dental’s maximum allowable charges. If you are balance billed by a dentist, you may be able to negotiate a lower payment directly with the dental office.
Delta Dental PPO
Member Services (866) 499-3001
Dentist Directory Service (800) 427-3237
Classified Group # 0074041-1402
Certificated Group # 007041-1401