Operational Services
Mike Magboo
Chief Operating Officer
(714) 994-9236
(714) 994-9236
Operations Division
The Operations Division oversees the Buena Park School District's Maintenance, Custodian, Grounds, Facility, Bond Construction, Transportation, Technology, Print, and Safety needs.
Contact: Letty Zaragoza, Operations Division Secretary (714) 994-9236
Maintenance and Operations
The Maintenance & Operations Department's primary functions include: ensuring the District’s 8 facilities are in good repair and serve to enhance the operations of the District’s instructional programs. The M & O department provides timely response to daily maintenance issues; conducts regular, deferred and long-term maintenance; and administers the District’s safety and facilities improvement programs.
Contact: Mike Anderson, Director Facilities, Maintenance, & Operations and Transportation (714) 736-4294
The Maintenance & Operations Department's primary functions include: ensuring the District’s 8 facilities are in good repair and serve to enhance the operations of the District’s instructional programs. The M & O department provides timely response to daily maintenance issues; conducts regular, deferred and long-term maintenance; and administers the District’s safety and facilities improvement programs.
Contact: Mike Anderson, Director Facilities, Maintenance, & Operations and Transportation (714) 736-4294
Custodial Services & Security
The Custodial Services & Security Department’s primary functions include: daily cleaning of district classrooms, restrooms, offices and meeting areas and implementing and monitoring procedures/protocols to safeguard our students, staff, and campuses.
Contact: Luis Navarro, Custodial Supervisor & Security Coordinator (714) 736-4271
Transportation Department
The Transportation Department’s primary functions include: providing Home-to-School transportation and activity trip transportation to students. Additionally, the Department provides for the mandatory inspections and fleet service maintenance for the District’s Type I and Type II buses. The District provides Home-to-School student transportation to five of the District’s seven school sites, transporting over 3,600 students per day.
Contact: Julie Valenzuela, Transportation Safety Supervisor (714) 736-4273.
Technology and Media Services Department
The Office of Technology and Media Services provides support for the District's teaching, learning and business initiatives. Our dedicated team of support and technology specialists and Technology Teachers on Special Assignment help achieve the district’s mission by providing staff and stakeholders the materials, tools, technology, training and support needed to enhance education and inspire life-long learners.
Contact: Rudy Wongso, Systems Analyst Supervisor (714) 736-4275