CUPCCA Contractors List
California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA)
We have changed our process to streamline our pre-qualification applications for CUPCCAA. We are now using Quality Bidders for our CUPCCAA process. Please visit to start your application.
The following links are directions for signing up and applying for pre-qualifications.
Please fill out an application for a formally bid public projects or for the CUPCCAA (informally bid) public projects.
Please submit any inqueries to:
Contractor registration is available at
NOTE: Registering with a district does not satisfy the prequalification requirements under PCC 20111.6 or the Department of Industrial Relations registration requirements under Labor Code 1725.5.
Pursuant to the provisions outlined in Public Contract Code section 22034(a), at least once per calendar year, the District shall establish a new list or update its existing list of qualified contractors by inviting all licensed contractors to submit the name of their firm and required information to the District’s registration system for inclusion on the District’s list of qualified bidders. The District has chosen to add requesting contractors to the existing Contractor’s List each calendar year, rather than starting a new list. Contractors may have their firm added to the District’s qualified contractors list at any time by providing the required information.
CUPCCAA Pre-Qualified Contractors list