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Buena Park School District Integrated Pest Management Plan

Buena Park School District Integrated Pest Management Plan

DPR's School IPM Program promotes the adoption of integrated pest management in schools and child care centers and provides support for Healthy Schools Act compliance.

Information about Integrated Pest Management and the California Department of Pesticide Regualtions (DPR) can be located at the following link:

The IPM plan notification is provided annually at the beginning of the school year to all parents, guardians, and staff.

The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 requires that all schools provide parents or guardians of students with annual written notification of expected pesticide use on school sites.The notification will identify the active ingredient or ingredients in each pesticide product and will include the Internet address ( for further information on pesticides and their alternatives.
Parents or guardians may request prior notification of individual pesticide applications at the school site. People listed on this registry will be notified at least 72 hours before pesticides are applied.  Please use the above HSA Intergrated Pest Management Notification Application form.

Frequently Asked Questions: